H44PTs Guestbook Archive

The Solomon Islands national flag

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The Solomon Islands national flag

H44PT: My last operations as H44PT were March / April 2000

Unfortunately the American company that has provided the H44PT Online Guestbook since 1996 ceased trading in February 2010. This is the archive of the previous guestbook comments.

Name: leonard shawcross
Country: England Date: Sun Jun 7 20:23:20 2009
Comment: Peter are you the Peter I knew during 1983-84
when I was project engineer seconded from BT working on several projects in SOL ISLANDS

Best Regards Len

Name: Colin Schultz
Country: Australia Date: Tue Apr 15 12:13:09 2008
Comment: Gooday Peter, bought back great memories of Honiara. Sent you an email as well.

Country: Togo Date: Fri Dec 30 16:41:47 2005
Comment: It is good piece of hardwork,keep it up

Name: Phil Moat
Country: Australia Date: Tue Apr 12 23:21:51 2005
Comment: Interesting to look back and remember the late seventies when 6 Mx really took off. I see I am in your firsts list (ex VK2BYX). See you again on 6 one day.

Name: Alan Passmore (Homepage)
Country: UAE Date: Fri Nov 12 10:10:59 2004
Comment: This brings back memories. I was your first contact with Jordan on AO10 in 1983.

All the best. Alan ex-JY9CF.

Country: pahoa Date: Thu Apr 1 19:08:25 2004
Comment: hello im a first timer. you have some great stuff here. im in school right now . gots to jet .talk soon.

Name: Steve Sebastian Beesley (Homepage)
Country: HONG KONG Date: Sat Oct 4 12:28:57 2003
Comment: Hello Peter,
Long time no hear!?! Hope you are doing well. Not much activity from me here on 6 meters, all very quiet. I was ill for 2 months at the begining of the year in hospital with a severe case of psoriasis and now have to limit my activities. Drop me a line or two sometime.

73 Steve

Name: 27 IDX 106 - Odinn (Homepage)
Country: ICELAND Date: Sat Aug 9 06:10:55 2003
Comment: Very good website you have here,
Glad to put my step on it, send you and your visitors my best greetings.

Name: Peter Flahavin (Homepage)
Country: Australia Date: Thu Jul 17 04:12:41 2003
Comment: Enjoyed your photos of the Solomons. I did WW2 battlefield exploring there in 1995-99 on Guadalcanal. Ah yes, friendly people - and you cant beat the pool at the old King Solomon Hotel.I have set up a website for all the terrain/relic photos I took.

all the best,


Name: John Kabu (Homepage)
Country: Chch, NZ Date: Sat Dec 7 23:48:15 2002
Comment: Hello Everywantok,

Your have created an awesome page..Keep up the good work, now i can come here to read and feel the sense of at home online...


John Kabu

Name: Greeba, Allan & daughter Ula
Country: Isle of Man Date: Sat Nov 9 17:30:18 2002
Comment: Hallo wantok!! Mifala from Solomon Islands. We came over to IOM 2 yrs ago (as Greeba's mother is Manx). Our surname is GONA. Feel free to contact us on 01624 835936 if you are interested in a little Solomon chit chat!

Name: Richard (Homepage)
Country: England Date: Sun Jul 21 02:55:46 2002
Comment: Excellent web page, nice to read your story from H44 - shame you couldn't use the BC amp for 6M :-)

73 GL/DX

Richard, M5RIC

Name: horst
Country: Germany Date: Sat Apr 27 12:11:11 2002
Comment: Hallo I'm looking all weekends on 50110 from 8 to 12 utc on 6m for Dx.
callsign Df0eg

Hope to get a lot of dx stations on 6m.
qsy to 50130 mhz
best 73

Name: jacky bouvier
Country: France Date: Tue Dec 4 22:11:07 2001
Comment: Hello Peter
It is a real surprise to see my qsl on the net. your web site is very interesting. Probably, it is easier to contact you now than 22 years before from French Guyana on 6 meters! Very happy to see tha you are always alive! I am 54 now and i leave in the suburbs of Grenoble.
Best wishes for 2002 and for all the futur.
I hope to read you soon.
Jacky FY7AS/F5WQ

Name: nick
Country: usa Date: Wed Jul 25 14:02:43 2001
Comment: my station is not as graceful as yours but one these days i would love to work you on 6m.
take care 73 nick w3nrl

Name: Steve (Homepage)
Country: Aussie Date: Thu Dec 7 23:57:22 2000
Comment: Great to see the thumbnail cards and to know that I contributed in a small way to your dxcc quest with VK9XT/VK9YT ops and VK9ZD qsl manager.

Name: HL2WA(LEE DONGKYU) (Homepage)
Country: KOREA Date: Sat Dec 2 03:11:58 2000
Comment: Hi om.
You have a very nice Home Page with much useful Info.
It was a pleasure surfing through it.
I would be honored if you would visit my Home Page & sign my GuestBook...
I'm working of 50MHz,I want to on the air.
Thanks. 73's Best to you & yours.
de HL2WA (HAM nickname : KYU) - South KOREA

Name: Gordon
Country: U.S.A. Date: Fri Nov 24 02:40:20 2000
Comment: Very interesting

Name: Peter Taylor (Homepage)
Country: UK Date: Thu Sep 28 08:28:49 2000
Comment: Testing - very quiet guest book!

Name: Todd Emslie (Homepage)
Country: Sydney, Austral Date: Sat Sep 2 06:19:23 2000
Comment: Hi Peter,

I am a TV/FM/6M DX'er based in Sydney, Australia.
During April, I heard you frequently on 28.885. Nothing on 50.11 due to the short path distance.
During April I heard several chA2(55.25 MHz) tv video carriers from Central America and Mexico. My MARCH-MAY 2000 F2 DX log can be found at my home page.
Did you hear or log any 45-55 MHz TV, during April? I'm interested in clarifying some TV frequencies eg)KHON TV-2 Hawaii, and other Asian tx's.

Name: Otto (Homepage)
Country: Russia Date: Fri Aug 25 14:18:43 2000
Comment: Thanks fer QSO on 28 Mhz SSB.
Interisting Page in deed!
Hope to work You from H40 in the future.
Now I QSY form UA to HC for several years.
Bestb73's de Otto Rafalsky UA4WAE

Name: Jukka OH2BR/VP6BR (Homepage)
Country: Finland Date: Sat Jul 8 19:17:02 2000
Comment: Peter, it was very good to have the QSOs with you on ten and six metres. Enjoyed very much talking to you. Hope you had tremendous time there DXing. I hope to see you soon on any band. 73 de Jukka.

Name: Gordon Bracewell
Country: Australia Date: Sun Jul 2 03:11:53 2000
Comment: Hi Peter, I was interested to see your H44PT URL in a
recent issue of RADCOM. I was G3EGK and knew you from
the Manchester VHF group and S. m/chr Radio Club.
I think I worked you once from here in OZ. I was
wondering if you were still in H44 but obviously not.
I bet you are glad that you were not there recently!
73 from Gordon.

Name: Peter (Homepage)
Country: BRAZIL Date: Thu May 25 22:35:13 2000
Comment: Peter, nice to work you on SIX via the Long Path. Also mny tnx for the QSL card. 73s and see you on SIX !!.

Name: Raymond
Country: Scotland Date: Sun May 7 08:37:46 2000
Comment: Many thanks Peter for the fb qso on 10m nic

Name: G.S.Reeve G1HHo
Country: UK Date: Wed Apr 19 20:48:31 2000
Comment: Just passing through, have worked you on 6M and often hear you as /P

Name: Jon N0JK (Homepage)
Country: KS and A. Samoa Date: Wed Apr 19 20:06:29 2000
Comment: Peter:
Have some pictures of my KH8 and 8P 6M activity posted at the "homepage." Enjoyed meeting and talking to you on 6M.

Name: Bill Sattler (N0XX/7)
Country: USA Date: Wed Apr 12 18:33:19 2000
Comment: Can't thank you enough for the QSO! Great job on the expedition. Conditions very poor up north here in Oregon, was flabbergasted to tune across the band and hear you pop through. 73 Bill

Name: Jackie
Country: UK Date: Sun Apr 9 07:39:43 2000
Comment: Glad you're having a good time.
See you soon. Jackie

Name: Will (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Sat Apr 8 05:47:11 2000
Comment: Thanks for the 10 meter QSO and the try for 6 Meter.....maybe next time around.
73 Will, K6NDV

Name: Bob Leffert
Country: Idaho, USA Date: Sat Apr 8 05:40:26 2000
Comment: Many thanks for QSO at 01:11 on 4/8/00 It has ben over 55 years since I was on Guadacanal

Name: Allan W6CPL
Country: USA Calif. Date: Sat Apr 8 04:18:59 2000
Comment: Thanks Peter for an exciting new one on 6M! This cycle has been bleak for us W6's so you really made our day. Hope to meet you soon again, on the bands or in person. 73, Allan

Name: Taisuke Kishi
Country: Japan Date: Fri Apr 7 08:13:19 2000
Comment: Hi Peter.Thanks for nice QSO on 6m.
Please QSO next island(H40).
73 and sayounara.

Name: steve WD6CGF
Country: USA Date: Fri Apr 7 07:00:42 2000
Comment: Was happy to work you last nite on 10M, Peter. Excellent
signal into So. California, and was surprised that you
copied my QRP stn (10 watt rig and inv. vee in attic
of condominium). Will definitely QSL, to the Cornwall
address. What are your QSL needs? IRCs, etc? I have been
off HF for several years due to antenna ban here and
was only able to recently put up hidden antennas and
qrp rig - so far no complaints from the neighbors!
73, Steve

Name: Max (Homepage)
Country: Germany Date: Fri Apr 7 06:14:57 2000
Comment: Hope to get back on 10m soon. Roof repairs still in progress so no antenna... Need H44 (still). 73, Max. DL4MDQ.

Name: Sado, 9A2OP
Country: Croatia Date: Thu Apr 6 07:34:05 2000
Comment: Peter, I know it's costly to travel in that area,
but TEMOTU!!!!!!!!! would be a great addition to your score!!! Lots of guys I know here need it badly -myself included!Worked you on 10 SSB with Icom IC707,100W and TH6DXX 15mtrs high directed at USA East coast! Thanks.

Name: Sado
Country: Croatia Date: Thu Apr 6 07:25:07 2000
Comment: Great signal on 10! Too bad i don't have antenna for 50MHz,although didn't see many EUs in your LOG,hi!Thanks for 'stopping by' on 28MHz and giving me a new country! Have fun there!
9A2OP Sado

Name: Mike Nason KA7HBB/N7HP
Country: USA Date: Thu Apr 6 06:37:47 2000
Comment: Thanks for the contact on 4/5/00 ~ 0345z. I was
working N7HP club station at Hewlett Packard in
Corvallis, Oregon. The station is a TenTec Paragon
running 100W into a TH11DX at ~50ft.
Hope your having fun. Mike KA7HBB

Name: Mark Sheppard N7LYE
Country: USA Date: Thu Apr 6 05:09:21 2000
Comment: enjoyed working you on 10 Meter SSB Wed April 5 2050 local time or there abouts from Seattle - sounds like your having a very enjoyable time... 73 from the cool and damp NW cost of North Am. mark N7LYE

Name: Ian W7IAN (Homepage)
Country: usa Date: Thu Apr 6 04:49:52 2000
Comment: Great working you on 10 meters today.Hope to catch you again soon.
Take care Ian W7IAN

Name: Jon
Country: American Samoa Date: Wed Apr 5 11:19:50 2000
Comment: Thanks for the QSO - very loud into America Samoa on 6M!

Name: Russ
Country: Australia Date: Tue Apr 4 08:15:40 2000
Comment: Peter, we last spoke 20 years ago on six metres(26 March 1980 )with Wes, early in the morning; 10 watts from VK3. Listening for you this time on 28.885 only. Best wishes Russ VK3ART (ex VK3YKA )

Name: Dick Kalman-W6GZG (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Tue Apr 4 05:30:23 2000
Comment: Hi Peter:

Great signal from the Solomon Islands with the Ic756. Solid 5-9.

I am in Hayward CA.Enjoy your visit and stop by my web page at http://www.cyberkal.com/amateur.htm.

Best of 73's


Name: Dick Kalman-W6GZG
Country: USA Date: Tue Apr 4 05:29:52 2000
Comment: Hi Peter:

Great signal from the Solomon Islands with the Ic756. Solid 5-9.

I am in Hayward CA.

Best of 73's


Name: Al
Country: Argentina Date: Mon Apr 3 02:53:19 2000
Comment: Ihope to ear from Tierra del Fuego Island on 50 Mhz. All the best. LU6XQI

Name: Jack D. Haden C21JH
Country: Australia/Nauru Date: Sat Apr 1 05:13:29 2000
Comment: Good luck Peter and hope you work loads of DX, the path to the southern states of VK is not good but I am sure the north will keep you entertained for many hours...73's de Jack VK2GJH/C21JH/T30JH

Name: toshi
Country: JA Date: Thu Mar 30 13:19:21 2000
Comment: tnx fer nice qso on 6m!

Name: Peter Torry
Country: UK Date: Thu Mar 30 12:47:27 2000
Comment: Will keep a listeninhg watch during your visit.
Have fun
If you want some work call on your return.
Peter G3SMT

Country: japan Date: Thu Mar 30 12:29:17 2000
YOU ARE MY 1st.H44 ON 6M.

Name: Finn Kristensen (Homepage)
Country: Denmark Date: Wed Mar 29 05:22:25 2000
Comment: Hi Peter. Good luck with your trip.Hope to work you on the magic-band..Vy 73

Name: Richard (KE6SHL)
Country: USA Date: Wed Mar 29 05:04:25 2000
Comment: Peter, Good to hear you on 10 meters. Quite unexpected and thank you for the contact. I'll be listening for you on 6 meters.
73 de KE6SHL

Name: Jack Sheldon, CPA (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Wed Mar 29 04:13:01 2000
Comment: Hi Peter:

The 10 meter band was very quiet when I first came across your calling CQ, and your signal was very clear but with just a bit of QSB. Here running a Force-12 C4XL (4 el on 10) at 20 meters up, and a Yaesu FT900C/AT. I also have a 3 element beam on 6 meters at 22 meters, however, no 6 meter rig as of yet.

Thanks for a FB QSO. 73/DX -- Jack, KN7Y (02:58 29/MAR/00 28MHz SSB -- sending QSL via bureau).

Name: KI8I Gordon
Country: U.S.A. Date: Mon Mar 27 02:58:41 2000
Comment: will be looking for you

Name: Gordon Bainard
Country: U.S.A. Date: Mon Mar 27 02:55:57 2000
Comment: Hi Peter hope to work you from Temotu Province Good luck and have fun

Name: K6ODV - Ed
Country: USA Date: Sun Mar 26 20:40:15 2000
Comment: Hi Peter - I've been holding your QSL card since
May 4, 1979 for our 50 Mhz H44DX contact. I hope
after 20 years I can finally get it to you.

Name: Bill Furness
Country: England Date: Sun Mar 26 14:58:20 2000
Comment: John 4ial mentioned the site and instructed me to sign the guestbook!!. Will try and listen out for you when in H44. Being toatlly retired these days, I am too busy to get much airtime in the log ! Am currentlt learning to fly - got to 65 and still have no sense !

Name: John Clifford
Country: UK Date: Sun Mar 26 12:19:59 2000
Comment: Hi Peter. Long time!!! Look out for G4BVE. You might remember the old call better - G8DHT. 73 John

Name: N6CA-Chip (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Sat Mar 25 16:42:39 2000
Comment: Peter, Great to see you going back to H44!

Name: Bob Adlington
Country: England, UK. Date: Fri Mar 24 06:16:24 2000
Comment: Good luck with the DX expedition. My QTH is in London. I'll be listening on 6m ( and praying with my fingers crossed !!! ) Station equipment at this QTH is a Yaesu FT920, 8877 linear amplifier and a wide spaced 5 element Yagi.
Good luck - 73
Bob. M0BOB.

Name: John Heywood (Homepage)
Country: UK Date: Fri Mar 24 04:52:36 2000
Comment: This brings back the past Peter -- Babs and I look forward to hopefully working you on 10 metres
Good luck and work plenty

Name: Dave Ripton
Country: USA Date: Thu Mar 23 13:41:20 2000
Comment: Great graphics !!! Wish I were with you.
And I even wish more that I could work you !!!
Hope you have good conditions.
73... Dave

Name: Bob G7BXS
Country: uk Date: Sun Mar 19 17:22:08 2000
Comment: Nice page peter all the best bob

Name: Roger Horne (Homepage)
Country: UK Date: Sat Mar 18 08:52:06 2000
Comment: Look forward to working you Peter - have a great time. Roger

Name: Charlie Ho (Homepage)
Country: Hong Kong Date: Mon Mar 13 05:18:53 2000
Comment: Peter,

Nice to hear that you will QRV again in H44, worked you in 1985 while I was VS6XMT. Look forward to work you again in this cycle with my new prefix VR2.

73 Charlie

Name: Peter (Homepage)
Country: Solomon Islands Date: Sat Mar 11 22:47:05 2000
Comment: I look forward to reading your comments and to working you on 50MHz!

G8BCG UKSMG Member # 1570

G8BCG / H44PT SMIRK Member # 4780

G8BCG UKSMG Member # 1570

 H44PT / G8BCG contact details: E-mail: Peter@h44pt.org.uk